This C# Tutorial explains "How to edit any image or picture in C#?". This application will change Image colors by using System.Drawing.Imaging; Library. Apply general color tones to an image in this application. You can Download this application with its visual studio files.
All Basic SQL Queries for Database Server & Visual Studio in C#
This article will help you understand the syntax for basic queries that are most used in SQL Server. In the first part we will list down important queries that you need to understand & then in second part we will see how we can use these queries in Projects in Visual Studio using C# Programming Language.
How to get Device Geo-location in C#
How to get Device Location in C# with Longitude & Latitude in C#. This C# tutorial is about getting location of the user in C#.NET using GeoPositionStatus.
How to add DLL to GAC (Global Assembly Cache) in Projects
This C# tutorial will let you go through the steps of adding a Class Library , DLL to your own program or add it to the Global Assembly cache in Windows Assembly folder. DLL stands for Dynamic Link Library.
Custom Video Player in C#
This C# Tutorial is about creating a video player without embedding the windows media player in winforms with .NET compatibility error resolved & with Codecs. You can Download it with Complete source code.
Drawing Text on Windows Form Application in C#
This C# tutorial is about drawing text on windows form using graphics in C#.Net programming language. Easiest example with complete source code in visual studio.
Convert number into text in C# Program
One of my friend asked me to make a easy tutorial program which can convert Numeric Number into alphabetic words in C# language on windows form application & not use builtin methods but create your own methods from Scratch. So this program is doing this work. I google for it & come to a solution … Read more
How to get drive Name and Size in C# program
This C# tutorial is about getting Hard Disk's File system information including Volume Name, Serial Number, Maximum hard disk Size & Flags of HDD using C#.
How to reference two forms with each other in C#
This C# Example in Windows Form Application Program shows how to reference form2 in other form1. This C# tutorial is easy to Understand. Referencing in C# programming. How to show form1 on clicking on button on form2 using referencing.
How to use Windows Registry in C#
This article is about using Windows Registry functions in C#.Net application. Today I learned some basic functions of registry in Visual Programming Lab. In this example we will learn how to store a value in registry. This example will save the current Height & Width of windows form at Form1_FormClosing event.