public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } // The previous mouse location. private Point OldMousePos = new Point(-1, -1); // See if the mouse has moved. private void MyTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { // See if the cursor has moved. Point new_pos = Control.MousePosition; if (new_pos.Equals(OldMousePos)) return; OldMousePos = new_pos; // Redraw. this.Invalidate(); } // Draw the eyes. private void DrawEyes(Graphics gr) { // Convert the cursor position into form units. Point local_pos = this.PointToClient(OldMousePos); // Calculate the size of the eye. int hgt = (int)(this.ClientSize.Height * 0.2); int wid = (int)(this.ClientSize.Width * 0.1); // Find the positions of the eyes. int y = (int) ((this.ClientSize.Height - hgt) / 1.9); int x1 = (int)((this.ClientSize.Width) / 2.5); int x2 = wid + 1 * x1; // Create a Bitmap on which to draw. gr.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; // Draw the eyes. DrawEye(gr, local_pos, x1, y, wid, hgt); DrawEye(gr, local_pos, x2, y, wid, hgt); } // Draw an eye here. private void DrawEye(Graphics gr, Point local_pos, int x1, int y1, int wid, int hgt) { // Draw the outside. gr.FillEllipse(Brushes.White, x1, y1, wid, hgt); gr.DrawEllipse(Pens.Black, x1, y1, wid, hgt); // Find the center of the eye. int cx = x1 + wid / 2; int cy = y1 + hgt / 2; // Get the unit vector pointing towards the mouse position. double dx = local_pos.X - cx; double dy = local_pos.Y - cy; double dist = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); dx /= dist; dy /= dist; // This point is 1/4 of the way // from the center to the edge of the eye. double px = cx + dx * wid / 4; double py = cy + dy * hgt / 4; // Draw an ellipse 1/2 the size of the eye // centered at (px, py). gr.FillEllipse(Brushes.Black, (int)(px - wid / 4), (int)(py - hgt / 4), wid / 2, hgt / 2); } private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { DrawEyes(e.Graphics); } }