Implement Insertion Sort Algorithm in C#

Write a program in c# that shows Insertion Sorting in it. I have explained here on how insertion sort algorithm works along with C# source code. Here the C# Insertion Sort implementation: This algorithm is efficient for sorting a small number of elements. No need extra space to sort the elements. C# example- This is an example C# code of the insertion sort algorithm. Learn insertion sorting process with C# code.

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Convert Text into Image and Image into Text in C#

Today I was surfing on Facebook, suddenly I saw a post in our C# Group, a guy was asking about converting text to an image format in c#. I was free for sometime so I decided to explore this problem, after 1 hour of struggling I did this. This is the simplest code for this problem & it gives you an image from the text you have inputted. There you go !!

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Create Setup Installer for Projects in Visual Studio

This post is related to creating a installer of windows form or WPF application that you have created & now need to install it on other PCs with .NET framework. I hope you will understand it. This post can answer Solution of How to make a setup installer? how to Deploy C# application with .Net 4.0 , How to create a setup on install Shield to install two programs. How to Add .Net Framework 4.0 into setup project. How to run my project(windows forms) c# in a different computer.  How can I make a program work on different computers independent of .NET Framework? C# , how to Deploy C# application on any computer?

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